So while Eli was supposed to be sitting in timeout yesterday for dumping out aftershave all over my nice carpet, he was mischievously carrying out a far more destructive attack. What a fool I am! I fell for the aftershave trick! Such a common war tactic that I walked right into: Create a small bit of destruction to take the attention of the enemy away so that the REAL attack can be carried out. It happens in Iraq all the time. Why should my house be any different?
So I place him firmly, perhaps a little too firmly, on the timeout bench. I proceed to scrape and salvage what aftershave I can off the top of my carpet, you know, because we are poor. And for some reason, aftershave is one of those luxuries that I always forget to buy when Adam is out; so I hate to run out of it. (Don't tell Adam, but I seriously put it back into the bottle.) I then tried to rub the rest of it out. At least it wasn't red aftershave... And now there is just a little part of my bathroom that smells like Adam, which is nice since he has essentially moved into to the dental lab. Good reminder of his presence. So we're good, no big deal.
I walked out prepared to teach my son a lesson about messing with other people's things and how we do not pour out semi liquid substances ANYWHERE in the house (a lesson which, as you will shortly read, he desperately needed to hear.) I had cooled down a bit and I was ready to request an apology, give him a hug, and move on to the rest of our day which included visiting the Ontario Mills mall where the Rainforest Cafe is; he loves to go see the fake animals-and frankly, it is cheaper and easier than the zoo. And I actually love hearing him say, while sobbing in timeout, "I sorry mom!!" So I was ready to do that, smile and get on with it.
Lo and behold, Eli was not sitting on his timeout bench when I emerged from my bedroom. I wasn't necessarily shocked, and the eery silence alerted me that something was definitely amiss. I walked into the kitchen and saw him on the other side of the table with a red sharpie pen. "NOOOOOO!" I screamed only because I saw the potential damage that a red marker could do in the hands of my two year old. Yeah, I totally yelled. He gave me his Calvin and Hobbes smile and ran away from me WITH the red marker in hand. As I sprinted to catch him, I noticed this

So while Eli sat in another timeout screaming "Animals? Animals?" I scrubbed my tile with a Scott scrubby and cursed myself for promising an animal trip. At length, the marker came off the tile(so go ahead and turn your kids loose with a red sharpie marker; it's totally fine because it totally scrubs out in a half an hour) and Eli helped me wipe up the soap so I decided we could still go. Mostly because I wanted to walk around in an air conditioned arena and I needed to purchase a wedding gift. We'll have to just paint the wall though.
I didn't laugh at all about this incident until I put Eli in the car to leave and ran back inside to put Duane outside on the patio. Poor Duane and the crap he puts up with to be Eli's friend: Red marker all over his back and face. At that point I was laughing hysterically at the thought of my dog just patiently sitting there while my son red sharpied him. And I haven't quite figured out how to deal with getting that off yet. Actually, it's a really funny reminder of how nutso my child is. So I think I will just leave it and let nature run its course.
And apparently this morning Eli was trying to make up for Duane's now permanent markings by offering him a nice big bowl of milk; and as this story has pretty much run its course, I will just go ahead and let those pictures speak for themselves. I think you get the idea.

Oh my gosh!! I am laughing so hard right now. I totally thought I had it bad with stinky Mya, but Eli trumps any and all naughty acts my kids have done. Lets just hope that Carter stays tame! I guess its a good thing he's so cute huh!
I love how completely innocent Eli looks in the last picture. He's practically swimming in milk and he's looking you like "What did I do?" Love it!
Oh that is too funny! Good thing he is so cute..
Oh my gosh Ash I am laughing so hard! He looks so innocent in the picture:)
Go listen to the song you're going to miss this...Brit and I are looking at this post with great anticipation! It's funny how funny and adorable this story is if you're nor e's mom..or dad!
I am so sorry! That is the worst I am not looking forward to that stage of the game. Good this is cute!
Ah hahahaha! I really enjoyed that story. I always know Cade is doing something naughty when Sadie comes and stands right by me and stares me down. I guess she wants me to know it wasn't her.
I've come back every day since you posted this whenever I needed a good belly laugh. I love that kid, but he is a little naughty! You can blame his dad.
I love Eli!! Oh, he is the supreme patience maker:) I was so happy to hear that you laughed - that is a great moment in a mom's life when we realize that yes, I can laugh at this, because really, what else are we going to do? Oh, the milk was the topper... hehe.
He is so adorable. THose stories are all too familiar:)
Why didn't you post any pics of Duane with the red marker all over him? I'm glad I got to see Duane in real life so that I know you aren't making this stuff up.
As for my blog...the only thing different about it is that it's would that make a difference with your blog roll? I swear we don't discriminate against the Burrs...we embrace them openly in least Eli when he's running down the aisles of the chapel and I snatch him up.
Seriously I am laughing out loud (doesn't happen often). I think you need to meet my nephew, he could give Eli a run for his money. We are coming to California next week, hopefully we can see you at church.
oh Ash, I feel for you! Just know you probably won/t get another one of these, I think each family only gets one. I won't lie, I was laughing like crazy while reading this, only because I have so been there with Sam! Nana always tells me he'll make such a great adult. Maybe Eli will be a strategic war commander, he is a smart one!
This post really made me laugh!
Adam, I am Bob's granddaughter. (Your Grandpa Jim's brother)
I just was reading the blog and really enjoyed all the adventures!
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