PS Football season is almost here. That statement really deserves an exclamation mark but I try to limit them to less than one per post; just know that I am REALLY excited. Go Cougars. Please don't suck.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Getting out of here until football commences
Eli and I are sojourning to Utah this weekend. I am tired of the heat and tired of being a mostly single parent to my child who is...well, you all know how he is. I am going to get my haircut, swim at the inlaws' new pool, watch baseball games and let Eli play with his cousins and uncles. I made the unfortunate mistake of telling him that we were going a couple of days ago; now he asks me multiple times a day when we are going to Nannie's house to see the wash and Grandma's house to see the mom has a front load washer which he idolizes, and Adam's parents have neighbors who have goats. He had a full on meltdown yesterday and bawled himself to sleep screaming "Goats!" I keep telling him we'll go on Friday but he doesn't really get it. So that's it. Swimming, goats and laundry-hooray!

PS Football season is almost here. That statement really deserves an exclamation mark but I try to limit them to less than one per post; just know that I am REALLY excited. Go Cougars. Please don't suck.
PS Football season is almost here. That statement really deserves an exclamation mark but I try to limit them to less than one per post; just know that I am REALLY excited. Go Cougars. Please don't suck.
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This is Ali. Amen. Please don't suck. And I love Eli. He's hilarious. Goats. Awesome. Love reading your thoughts. Hope it's a great trip.
Sorry, I"m on my sister's computer. It's Ali Seaman. Miss you guys.Take care. didn't want you to freak out... who is this random comment from?
I know how Eli feels... waiting for something (in our situation closing on our house) and not being able to understand why it's taking so long...and having a few nervous breakdowns in the interim... ahhh! I hope you have a blast in Utah! Take in some of that fresh mountain air for us.
I love that he is looking forward to watching the laundry. If he's at my house, he can watch it all day long. I might require him to fold some of it though as payment.
It will be fun to swim--or in my case to sit at the edge of the pool like a beached whale and try not to focus on how many days left I have of this pregnancy. It's 20--fyi.
YEAH! I can't wait to watch the wash with E!
I feel like I'm being cheated on...I thought he just liked watching my washing machine!
do i dare inquire as to whether i will get to see you this time? i talked with your sister the other day and she mentioned that it might be fun to get together. just a thought.
Ash! I miss you! I was dying at your post about Eli. I would've loved to see your reaction to that. I wish i was as excited for football season as you are. I pretty much loose my husband for the whole season. Would love to see you when your in Utah if you ever have time.
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