Did you seriously just tell the starfish story in your latest speech-AND incorrectly attribute it to Ted Kennedy? Uhhh. I'm sorry dude. I gave you a fair shot-a more fair shot than most conservatives in this country. ...and it's not just the fact that you are bailing out every failing industry in the nation with money we don't have, nor just that you are using the power of your immense charm and good spirit to convince people that they want and need something that they don't (government run health care-and I'm on it, thank you. And I don't want it, thank you.) No, it's not just that you seem to encourage and welcome healthy debate while simultaneously ignoring the fact that people are really really legitimately angry about your fiscal and health care policies-both proposed and enacted. Honestly, it's mostly that I just cannot take one more speech with the revolving non-subjects of hope, human spirit, dreams, inspiration and other ethereal non-descript generalities that actually say absolutely nothing instead of the wonderful things that it sounds like you are saying.
I still respect you as our president. I still think you are hot. I still think your wife is hot. But seriously? Cut the crap. The starfish story this morning was the last straw for me.
PS This was the cheesiest picture I could find. Don't you love it?
We had a full on debate at Sunday dinner last week about whether or not you ACTUALLY voted for Obama. Thanks for putting that to rest.
OMG I heart u!
HOT? Yikes. Good looking but not in the Hot specturm for me yet.
I swear most of the country is being brain washed by his good looks. I know it has worked on me a few times!
can you complain about the president if you didn't vote? ;)
Um, what makes you think I did not vote?
You think Obama is HOT???? I agree with Michelle he is not on the Hot spectrum for me either...
I must admit, I have never been a Obama fan... I thought it would change once he got in office but that's just not the case :)
i just remember you saying that you didn't like either presidential choice and that you weren't going to vote for either. and a vote for anybody else would have been a throwaway. and at any rate, i was merely teasing. :)
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