But these are two people that I just really can't stand. More Ann Coulter than Hannity, but I don't particularly care for him either so this picture is just awful to me because they are together. And I realized something more important as I was formulating thoughts on why I don't like them: they are right about a lot of things but it is the way they speak to people with such contempt, arrogance and complete disdain that just infuriates me. So there is a life lesson. Ann Coulter appeared on the Chris Matthews show the other day and was as derogatory as ever; but that's not what bothered me. Elisabeth Edwards called into the show to ask her to politely stop harrassing her husband with her vile remarks, (which was a grave mistake on her part to attempt to humble Ann Coulter) to which she was just inhumanly obnoxious in response. Both of these people are master manipulators of argument and media, they know it, and they make money off of it... I wish I could do that-without being hated by millions of course. They are impeccable at picking out the egregious flaws of other people while completely ignoring their own. And they sell books and make tons of money because people like me talk and blog about it.
Anyway, in other news, it is so freaking hot in my cave of an apartment. My pitiful little dog doesn't even want to come inside; and any of you that know him know darn well how he hates to be left out of the people party. He thinks he is human and always wants to be where the humans are. SO, I should be relieved that we are moving in like two weeks. Yes, two weeks. We just found out that we have to close on our condo in CA before July 7 in order to lock in our kick butt interest rate. But I'm not ready to do this yet. I am excited to go. Really excited to go. But when I get things in my head the way I think they are going to be, I have a hard time accepting evidence to the contrary. So I have thought for a long time that we would move the end of August. But we aren't.
So, if we are going to sweat in our fiery inferno cave of a hole home, I would rather just sweat outside. So that is what I have done. We have been to the pool several times, which is fun in its own right for the people watching. I took E and hiked to Timp cave on Monday with Cam and Coop and Heather and Shea. That was way cool except for the moron tour guide. Don't even get me started. Let's just say that we spent a half an hour more in the cave than was necessary because of all of her "um" "ok" and awkard pausing. The cave is sweet though and Cam and Coop were such troopers. I have also been biking more. I went up to the base of Rock Canyon yesterday; I used to run from the base of the temple to the gate at the entrance to the canyone three times in a row when we were training for the Catalina marathon. Well, its still hard. I used to think biking was for people who are too wussy to run. I barely made it up that hill once on my bike. It was intense. And then my darling friend Brittany and I went on a ride up South Fork on a trail that I thought was hard-ON A MOTORCYCLE! She kicked my butt. My poor little Costco bike wasn't ready for that. And frankly, I'm not in much better shape. We have also gone on a couple of picnics and wandered over to the Claytons to let Duane play in the backyard. Anything to get out of my awful hot house. I have to go. My baby is crying. He got shots, how sad.
But its apparently not nearly as bad as when I put him in his car seat... I picked him up and got him to sleep, sort of. This is so frustrating. Its so hot in my house and all I want to do is finish this post-it has been a work in progress all day long and its really starting to annoy me. I keep getting up to calm or feed Eli and all I want to do is finish and have him be asleep so that I can go to Costco and get boxes to start packing without having him scream bloody murder the whole time. Ok, I htink I am done, but I am sure there was something on my mind that I forgot because of all of the interruptions. Oh well, its hot in here. I am leaving. I think I'll go get another awesome pomegranate berry crystal lights slurpee at 7 eleven. They are great.
PS IF any of you are considering finishing your basement and renting it out, please don't scrimp on the air conditioning. I personally testify that basements get incredibly hot in the summer. And if you think I whine a lot, you must not know my husband or his temperature issues very well.