No, I have not found my rings. On to happier things.
The last two weeks have pretty much disappeared. The first week I had Adam home all week, which was wonderful; he took Eli camping for one night and we went down to the beach for a day. I love the picture of Eli with his walking stick; he looks like an Old Testament prophet in jeans! And doesn't my husband rock for taking the kid AND the dog AND taking pictures?
The second week of Tate's life, my mom and sister came and we had a wonderful time hanging out, admiring baby, walking, making repeated runs to Target, and being entertained by Eli. I was sad to see both of them go and must admit that, at least today anyway, I really wish that I lived in Utah. I know that is silly....your mom only cleans your bathrooms, ovens, stovetops and does your laundry WHILE taking care of and coddling your two kids in between repairing all of your husband's favorite shoes if you live in a different state. So I suppose the spoils of the past week are a direct result of living away from my family.

I cannot begin to express how thankful I am for a mom who taught me so well how to be a mom. This is a tough business. I have a mom who manages it all so well, who is so competent at so many things and who is also beautiful and fit and funny and smart. I don't know how I would figure all of this out on my own if I hadn't had a mom (and grandmas, and aunts and so forth) who did it all with such seamless grace.

I wish I could hang out with you, Eli, and Tate for the day. Chels and your mom showed me pictures of him yesterday, and he just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I wish you guys lived in Utah. Maybe some day? Love you.
Ash! I am glad to see you are getting by ;) I am really hoping to get down there when I talked to you about it and see him too!! Love the pics. He is getting so big already :)
So fun to see Baby Tate--the cute lil' Tater-bug, and meet your mom--who looks more like your sister than your mom. Then again, you could probably pass for Eli's sister too. It must be nice! ;)
Oh I miss it. Hopefully we'll have a mini reunion in approximately 2 1/2 weeks...
I want to see that little bug! I'm jealous that my parents are there now and that your mom and Chels got to come down. I would love to just snuggle a newborn--but not my newborn, just to clarify.
Holy cow, I SO know what you're going through. Every thing you were saying hit so close to home! If you ever need someone to commiserate with, CALL ME! Or maybe I'll just call you when I'm about to go insane. Tate is a cutie.
That first day is always hard! I hate it when my mom leaves. What nice things you say about her, all very true. I hope Natalie feels the same way about me some day. I miss that sweet baby!
i think the prospect of being the mom of one child is rather daunting, so two is almost incomprehensible. i guess it's a good thing that you're already such a great mom. those two little boys are lucky they have you.
did you perchance get my email? since it seems like we never see you when you visit here, perhaps our coming out there will be our best shot at a bit of face time.
I echo your comment about Moms. They are the best. There is NO ONE that can take their place while helping with a new baby. I seriously don't know what I would have done without my mom's help. Glad your mom was able to be there too!
Hey Ash, that last picture of Eli is Hilarious!! You are such a cute Mommy, I can see where you get it from. You're mom is the best too! Give that new little man a squish for me!
Oh and we are expecting our 4th and last child. Don't laugh too hard!
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