I'm not sure that Adam and I will ever truly convert, but Eli is a promising investigator into the Gospel of Disney...(we believe in giving our kid his own accountability where Disney is concerned, so as not to taint him with our own inherent bias.) But we obviously had fun last week with Adam's family. They left the lovely Newport Villas on Friday with one night to spare. So the Spencers joined us for one more day of play in Newport to send February out with a bang. Much to Ashley's chagrin, we played two games of Settlers...I think the fact that she and I each won a game, denying our husbands a slice of victory made up for the fact that she had to play in the first place. We admired Lamborghinis...I don't know how to spell that, argued about whether or not women are allowed to drive them, ate a fair amount of delicious food, swam with the kids and enjoyed the sun and coastline in all its glory. I'm still feeling guilty about how much fun February was this year.
We should meet at Disneyland sometime. Love the picture on the Buzz Lightyear ride (FYI, I am currently ranked a Space Scout on that ride & I totally beat both Carter and Sydney last time I went with them). It does seem like you had a pretty amazing month!
You are so right...February is not supposed to be near that exciting or fun. Your little boy just melts my heart!
Hi Ash! This is your cousin Jordan. Just wanted to say hi and I don't think Eli could get any cuter! Chels told me about how he know how to work the itouch. How funny! Love you, Jordan
Oh and I have a blog now - mostly just for journaling, but it's jordanlee1989.blogspot.com :)
You know I am a true convert of Disneyland, and I respect you allowing your son to choose for himself. Unfortunately, my passes just ran up. I will renew as soon as I feel comfortable taking all four kids. It's the perfect place to meet up, hopefully I renew before your expire.
Looks like lots of fun!
Ok, I can't stand you guys going to Disneyland without me. A chance to see you, Eli, your mom and the Paulson's all at Disneyland. I am considering renewing my passes, would I be crashing the party if I come along?
No!!!! Please do Melissa! I meant to email you, but I didn't have your address! I figured you wouldn't want to, but man you are a trooper. And I would love to see your boys...Eli and Sam can take on California Adventure together!
is it bad that while looking at your dland pictures all i could think about was how i never want to go on that toy story ride with the guns because i would not want myself or my child to have to touch those things after who-knows has been touching them before me? ick! newport was so fun, lamborghini thing was weird, winning settlers was good, and the biting thing so not a big deal. e has a good bunny somewhere inside of him just aching to come out and read books quietly to himself alongside hays.
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