while I was trying to get Eli dislodged from Duane's kennel, but make no mistake, I was laughing and wishing I could the whole time. Yes, I know. I am cruel and insensitive...but it was so freaking funny. He tried to climb in there and at some point realized he was far too large-a mighty good lesson, I'd say. That's when I heard the shrill shrieking from the garage. I had to take the kennel apart to get him out. And it took a really long time because I was laughing so hard. Bless the kid's heart. It is not even 9 yet. Usually this sort of incident is an indication of how the rest of the day will go, so I guess bless my heart too.
PS Chel-send me the pictures so I can post about Nana week.
HAHAHAHAHA. thanks, i needed that this morning.
bless your heart my friend.
Oh that is so priceless. Cruel or not I cannot believe you did not capture that! It reminds me of the time I attempted to potty train Wyatt by feeding him Cracklin Oat Bran and making him sit on the toilet, and he somehow got the cushie tushie stuck over his neck and arm! Good times, can't wait to have kids!
Oh yeah, I don't have the internet anymore (apparently we were borrowing it from a neighbor) so I will do it at lunch at mom's.
That is just about the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. Reminds me of the kid who got his knees stuck in the Costco cart as he was lying on his stomach at the bottom of the cart. Luckily, Sharon was with me to witness the humor, because the mother of said child failed to see anything funny about it (she was freaking out and called Costco security to get him out). And, I agree with Chelsea, you really should have taken a picture of that!
That kid is so inquisitive. One day he is going to put it to really good use. For now, he is entertaining to say the least. I wish you guys were closer so we could witness his day to day fiascos. He is so fun to watch. Think of how boring life would be if he were one of those kids that just sat there and minded.
Now that's good! I love that you have a good sense of humor, you are not a mean mom, just a real person. I would have liked to see a picture, next time, hopefully there won't be a next time, but if there is, get a picture!
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