I know fires are the lifeblood of the Burr family, so hopefully I will not offend anyone in the following condemnation of such; but this sucks. We can't even go outside. The fire that is closest to us, in Running Springs, just completely exploded this morning. Its a tiny little resort community up in the mountains to the Northeast of us and firefighters think they are going to lose up to 1000 homes up there alone. 1300 homes and businesses have already been destroyed across southern California. Sheesh. Isn't it amazing when man is just completely brought to his knees by nature? I love how reporters keep trying to ask Governor Arnold if we were prepared for this monumental disaster. Everyone wants to write a blame story about how an evacuation plan wasn't properly executed, or there weren't enough resources available or blah blah blah blah. What, like if we had firefighters and helicopters hovering over every hillside then we could have prevented close to 100 mile an hour winds? Get real. Sometimes you can't beat God people. I know its hard to believe, but man power and technology just sometimes can't cut it. I wish people would ever just admit that sometimes we are not all powerful and knowing. A little humility would be refreshing. For some reason, I bet God agrees with me.
We are not in any immediate danger, thankfully, it just smells like we have been camping in our house for a week. My couch out on my patio is a yucky, ashy color. So we are hunkered down and just trying to stay entertained in the house while we watch our state burn on the news. Poor Duane...he is Eli's favorite new toy and he can't even escape outside right now. So he gets his ears pulled on a lot. He's being a pretty good sport though and hopefully the fires will subside soon so we can get back to enjoying atypically warm weather outside.
My heart goes out to those who have lost homes, as well as those hundreds of thousands who have been told to evacuate and are uncertain what will happen next. My grandma is in San Diego watching my aunt Melissa's kids right now and she is on notice to possibly evacuate. Hopefully not. There are also fires burning close to our other two aunts in Ladera Ranch and Thousand Oaks. Hopefully they won't have to leave. This is just awful and unbelievable. Pray for California.
You raise an excellent point about the relationship between God and man. It is interesting that mankind, generally speaking, is slow to remember his place in this existence and in relation to God. I was hoping the fires weren't as close to you as they are. I hope that the situation can be resolved soon... it's just so terrible! Until then, you'll be in our prayers. And I HATE the smell of fire, so I don't envy you there!
I cant believe you are so close to the fires, that is awful, and so sad. Your little boy is so cute though, how fun!!!!!
I was hoping you guys were safe. I'm glad you are, as well as the rest of the fam. I agree with you about people trying to place blame where there isn't any. Global warming my booty.
I hope they're ok! You're in our prayers as well as the rest of California.
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