Saturday, May 8, 2010

Random bits of information

1-I'm a sucker. Either that, or having two kids is less complicated than I thought it would be...or I just need something fun to do with both of them. In any case, I decided to renew my Disneyland pass. We are going on Tuesday to meet my aunts and cousins and I confess, I am happy about it.
2-I have been making a conscious effort to drink eight cups of water everyday and I have noticed that the texture and clarity of my skin has improved; has anyone else ever made this connection? And if that is a real thing, do you know why that is?
3-I have been stuck at the same weight since Tate was two weeks old. For the first ten days, I was losing like a pound a day making absolutely zero effort and it was awesome; now that I am really trying, the scale won't budge and it's starting to really aggravate me.
4-My sister is having a girl! I'm so excited to have another little niece...however, I need someone in my family to step up to the plate and produce a boy so I can share all of my boy clothes.
5-Adam has precisely one year of school left. That makes me very very happy.
6-Which reminds me, every time I get mad at Eli for doing something that Eli does, he retorts, "Are you happy?" I wish he would ask me that question sometime OTHER than when he has deliberately done something to make me unhappy.
7-Tate is a rockstar for the following reasons:
-He does not spit up!
-He has several chins to spare
-He is extremely easily pacified; I almost always know precisely why he is crying, which means I can easily address his problem which makes my job very fulfilling.
An area where he could improve:, while I love that he is a cuddly little Taterbug, I don't love him sleeping in my bed. He far prefers to sleep on someone's chest or nestled in the crook of an arm. He will sleep for no more than an hour stretch in his own cradle. And though he weighs a perhaps too healthy fourteen pounds, he is still under the impression that he needs a meal in the middle of the night--not so my friend.
8-I love to run. After 9 months of pregnancy, it feels so good to take in a deep breath and have the air go ALL THE WAY to my lungs. I got into the St. George marathon for October of this year. So it is officially training time.
8-Wow, my thoughts pretty much revolve around myself and my kids. Got to get back to my religious news watching habits and read something other than, What to expect the first year.


Allison Paulson said...

I'm so sad that I don't get to come :(

Britten & Chelsea Maughan said...

I loved that post. I feel like I just spent the day with you. Congrats getting into the marathon now commit to run the Moab 1/2 with me in March. Where's a picture of the rings??

3WimmerBoys said...

I loved all the random thoughts. I always love to run after being pregnant, it feels sooo good. And don't worry about the scale not budging, that's just what happens, it will go down-I promise, just be patient. I know it sucks. You look awesome anyway! I am SO happy you decided to renew your passes! I'll see you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the rings are found! What a good Mother's Day present. By the way, I think you look awesome! Congrats on getting into the marathon! Someday I want to run that with you :)

Christine Segura said...

I am so glad you found the rings! I seriously thought you would some day. Have fun running that marathon- run one for me because I don't I think I ever will! But you go for it. :)