Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Somewhat lacking in manners

Does this look like the face of a perfectly polite boy? That is a rhetorical question.

I love this age. Eli is just old enough to have a pretty decent command of vocabulary and ABSOLUTELY zero concept of propriety: A few minutes ago, he walked into the kitchen stark naked-- keeping him in underwear, to say nothing of fully dressed, is my new full time job. He came right up to me, turned around, bent over so as to stick his bare bottom directly at me and commanded "Scratch it my bum mom?"

Burr boys aren't universally known for their manners so I suppose there is a decent argument that he comes by some of that genetically; but I'm also sure that there is a very distinct age where kids just figure out how to talk and are still completely unbound by social decorum. Either way, it's freaking funny.


Lisa said...

hahahaha I love the horns! Children act out what is modeled to them, so I'm going to say this is Adam's fault. Don't argue with me about it or I will bite you.

Unknown said...

It is totally funny. The other day my friend was here and my little boy was going #2 in the bathroom. He had called for me several times to come "help" him....well I obviously was oblivious and moments later he came up to my friend and I who were sitting next to each other on the couch and turned around, stuck his cute little bum in the air and said, "wipe it please", I was kind of humiliated...but he wasn't so why should I be right? He gave my friend who has no kids the full on bum shot. Oh well. It was funny.

Britten & Chelsea Maughan said...

Ok Colin & I are cracking up over this! I cannot wait to see that hellion in two weeks!! (And you & Ad of course!)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha that made me laugh out loud. Eli is so cute. So did you help him out? Haha :)

Susan said...

Completely agree. Fun age. Savanna likes to ask "What stinks? You fart mama?" in public all the time! And it's never me, just to clarify :) Fun fun. You never know what they'll say next.

Cambrienelson said...

hillarious. thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

That is freaking funny. I wish we all could be more child like. They are so real and don't care what anyone thinks...I love that.

Michelle Tolboe said...

HAHA LOL I can't wait to see what the next one is going to be like!

PS are you coming for Thanksgiving?