1-Eli and I participated in our first Easter egg hunt last Thursday. I haven't done that since I was a small child. More importantly, Eli ENJOYED an organized activity.
2-We went to the horse races with the Spencers.

3-I spoke in Sacrament meeting on Easter. It was the most relaxing Sacrament meeting of my life; I told the bishop that I would be happy to just sit up on the stand whenever he liked.
4-Number four is the real reason for this post so I am going to CAPITALIZE EVERYTHING FOR EMPHASIS AND USE LOTS OF EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!! TO GET YOUR ATTENTION:
I GOT INTO LAW SCHOOL. AND I GOT A SCHOLARSHIP. OH MY GOSH. If you know me at all, you understand that this has been a dream of mine since before I was born. Not sure what we are going to decide yet but I am very happy, excited, scared and nervous. We would appreciate it if you could all keep us in your prayers while we sort through all of the details and try to decide whether or not I am going to do this.
5-On Monday, I participated in a blood study at the hospital. I sat there for 2 hours while they put three ivs in me and drew blood. And I got 200.00 for it-which unfortunately seems like a lot less money than I thought it did before I knew that I got into law school.
On Tuesday, read the aforementioned post: went to Dancing with the Stars and passed out.
So let's see, just to recap: horse races, got into law school, fainted, went to Dancing with the Stars. Never done any of those things in 25 years; did them all this last week. I wonder what next week holds.
congrats my dear. good luck with whatever you decide.
Oh Ashley that is so exciting!!! Congrats and good luck with your decision.
Wow, congratulations!
Good job! Well if you decide that you don't want to do it at least you know you were good enough for it. And now everyone else knows you are awesome too! Tough decisions.
As I've told you before...you really are the BOMB DOT COM! sorry I just love saying that lame phrase : ) I'm so happy for you and know whatever you decide will be for the best!
Ash, that is so awesome! Congratulations! And crazy about the Dancing with the Stars thing! I hope you're feeling better!
That's awesome. Congrats smartie pants.
Ash, I am so freaking proud of you!!! I honestly didn't know if you would try to get in after you got married. (like I feel to often of us women do give up on our dreams after marriage). That really is so amazing and I will definitely keep you in my prayers.
Wow! Congrats on Law School! Super exciting! I'm so proud of my smart friend.
No way Ashley! That's so awesome! Which law school? We'll keep you in our prayers :)
You are the QUEEN! Way to go! But as a worried mother type, please take the photos with your name and address and student ID off the the big bad internet ASAP.
Good call...maybe I am not smart enough to go to law school.
Congratulations! Wow, that's so exciting! I always knew that one day you would be some bad a** attorney! Ha, Ha!!! That might be TOTALLY inappropriate but It's the Truth!!! Good luck with all those crazy, and stressful decisions...
WHOA! That was a big week for you. Ash! You are amazing. I was honestly thinking about you just before you posted this and wondering if you were still thinking about law school! CONGRATULATIONS! You are the smartest girl I know. When do you have to make your decision? Good luck, that's got to be tough.
So funny about DWTS...you're right, things like that just don't happen to you.
And, you need to teach me the ways of the motorcycle world. I'm quite the wuss on the streets, but can kind of hold my own off-road.
Congrats! Woohoo! I know that you've been wanting this forever and I can't believe you are that much closer to actually doing it. Prayer is a powerful thing, keep praying!
So jealous that you got to go with DWTS this past week. did you find a dress?
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