I'm sure the whole state of Utah already knows this, but after a lengthy courtship of exactly 2.5 weeks, my favorite sister and friend is engaged to marry her favorite friend. I'm just kidding, they have been dating since they were 16. Britten Maughan just got home from his mission three weeks ago and will be marrying my sister Chelsea on August 21st. WAHOO! I love this kid. In fact, so do my parents. The inlaw children in my family are surely going to slowly back all of us blood into a non-favorited corner. Adam was the favorite child in my family long before we were even considering marriage. Britten also managed to capture the admiration of my dad as an extremely bright, patient and good humored kid of 17. Anyone who knows Steve knows that doing so is not easy. He is much like Mr. Darcy in many ways: "My opinion once lost is lost forever." You don't mess around with Steve, or at least he doesn't want you to THINK that you mess around with him. So Britten will be welcomed with more than open arms into my family by all parties. I don't think my parents could have arranged marriages they liked better for their daughters; I told you us bio children are on our way out.... I just wish we could talk Britten into dental school and get them out here to California. All the cool people are doing it.

this pleases me so greatly. you will have to pass on my congratulations to them. what a great couple. and kudos to them for the quick engagement... it's the only way to do it, in my opinion.
Congrats Chelsea!
She's so cute! I am so excited for her! Tell her congrats for us!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is so cute! I love Mr. Darcy, so I approve. Seriously that is awesome. Young love is always the best. I'm excited for her. Woohoo!!!
WOW! We both know we saw this coming long ago...Im pretty sure I remember you calling this back in the days of highschool sleepovers at the Allred home. I remember it well...Chelsea barging in your room(probably interrupting one of our long chats about Taylor Vowles) to vent to us about how she didnt like Britten. I remeber your strong sister words of wisdom..telling her that one day she would love him. ha ha ha! I hope you take comfort in the fact that your words have now come to pass Ash. And I must say, Im excited to finally get to meet the famous Britten Ive been hearing about for way too long...and the fact that Steve approves...my my...this kid is golden!! However, Im not gonna lie, Im kindof bugged I wasnt on the mass text list to findout the news firsthead...thank goodness for my random swimming days with Kristy Monks and blogs. Ha ha ha! Congrats Chelsea
What a wonderful post. I was so excited to read it. I can't believe Chelsea is old enough now to get married. And her fiance is way cute! Please tell her I said congrats.
Ashley! Oh my gosh! This was the biggest surprise to look on your blog and see that Chelsea is engaged! I had no idea she even dated this kid! Congratulations! And even better that you'll be in Utah. That means our friends will probably get together! It seems thats the only time we do now. (Thanks for noticing my efforts as a sister. My brother was really sweaty and gross!)
Congrats, Chel! He looks like a handsome, nice young man. (I'm trying to sound old on purpose. I am almost 30, you know.)
We're excited to see you guys!
Excuse me...not all the cool people are in cali............
anymore. sniff sniff
Congrats to chel!
Super exciting! I don't know I think your parents still like you guys, maybe just not as much as Adam and Brittan. I have never even met the guy, but from the way the Allred family talks about him I have lofty expectations! As long as he's as good as Adam we will all be happy. I am so excited for her. This will be fun for you too, it's even better when your sister joins the married crowd. Congrats!
Congrats to your cute sister!!!!
What a darling couple! Thank you so much for coming to the open house! It was soo good to see you two. You look great! Tell Chelsea congratulations!
congrats to your sis, we will miss you while you are in utah ALL summer! just don't ask me to remember your summer schedule, so confusing!
ok, so from your comment on my blog i'm kinda wondering if you have some "revenge" pics of my daughter since you had her all to yourself yesterday. hmmmmm. weston deserves a payback on that one, so you won't hear me complaining.
FIRST OF ALL, Why the heck aren't I on your friends list???C'mon girl, get your priorities straight!
Second. YAY for Chelsea!!! My mom will be happy to hear the good news too. I am so happy for her, tell her congrats for me! When you come in, lets get together....
.....lets get together yeah yeah yeah....
hahaha, sorry that song just popped in my head.
add me!
I'm retarded, I was looking under Ashley, but I see it now, good job! hahaha
You know, I love every stage that Hewitt has past through, it has been amazing watching him grow up and achieve new things and become an individual and stuff, BUT I think whats sad, is it just happens SO FAST! He is 3! It seems like yesterday that he was Eli's age.
Congratulations! We are so excited for you guys! We can hardly wait to come out for the big day!!! P.S. Funny comment on how the whole state of Utah already is talking about it! SOOOO true!!!
Wow there are very excited people on this comment page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am dying that i am not there to celebrate this with your family! Congrats to both my crazy insane friends who couldnt wait for me to get home to get engaged! ..haha just kidding i think i can forgive you!
That is so exciting. She is so cute. Good for them and how exciting you are in Nicuarago (is that how you spell it, oh well)...
That's great! I'm so happy for them! I'm so glad that I found you guys on this. Your little guys is adorable!
I can't believe Chelsea is engaged. I am so excited for her. We all knew this one was coming. We will be there for sure. I can't believe that your mom is going to have two kids married.
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