Poor baby. My not even 4 month old baby has two teeth!!! How sad. I have been so frustrated with him this past week because he has been inconsolably irritable and has completely refused to sleep. It didn't even occur to me that he could be getting teeth this young. So this is mostly what he has looked like every day for the past week: screaming a good portion of the 24 hours in a day. Actually he was sound sound asleep about 2 seconds before I snapped this picture; I was trying to capture a restful moment that was refreshing and relieving. But I guess I disturbed him...obviously. He has been so much better in the last two days since they broke through and I felt so bad once I realized what was happening. He has finally slept through the night the past two nights and been an absolute sweetheart. I was afraid that my sweet little baby had been captured by an evil crazy baby spirit. But it was really just painful sharp things cutting through his tender flesh...I feel so bad. Chelsea thinks that her presence here has distracted him enough so he doesn't react to the pain anymore. I happen to believe, however, that giving him tylenol every four or so hours might also be helping. All of the books give you a list a mile long of "things" to do to help a teething baby. They say "as a last resort" give him tylenol...are you serious? I am not an expert at this but yeah right. If my kid is in pain, I am going to give him medicine first and then do everything else like rub his gums and give him a frozen teething ring to chew on. Sometimes I wonder if these people who write all of the books about raising children have ever actually raised children. I am just so glad that he seems to be feeling better and that his sweet disposition is starting to return.

That has got to hurt so bad! I am glad he is doing better.
Remember what I said in my other comment about not knowing the reasons for a while? This is exactly what I'm talking about. There was a reason, you just didn't know it for a week! It's a good reminder to me to just be patient with my kids because they have some reason to act the way they act.
I just re-read my comment. I love it when I'm right. It never happens with my own kids, so if I can help someone else out that's enough.
I can't believe he has teeth! That's crazy! Savy has been complaining too, but I wonder if it is teeth. I can see 2 little white teeth under the skin, but I can't feel them. She also wants to bite everything. Could she be teething?
Hey it's me, Marie. So fun having a little baby huh? I have a little 5 month old myself. It would be fun to get together.
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