Monday, December 15, 2008

Eli put my toothbrush in the fireplace tonight

Not just any toothbrush, my awesome Nimbus toothbrush. It has soot all over it but I don't want to throw it away because I love it. I might use it anyway guys.


Cason and Marie said...

hahah what a little menace. But he's such a cute little guy! We need to get together.

Melissa said...

I've been meaning to blog about my stupid Nimbus toothbrush forever! Isn't it the best toothbrush on the planet!? It's like getting a gum tickle every time I brush. I am SO sorry it was put in the fireplace...I feel for you.

Melissa said...

I forgot to say...I think you should still use it! :)

Lisa said...

Definitely pent up aggression towards dentistry and the strain finals week is putting on your family. Or just random aggression.

Britten & Chelsea Maughan said...

At least it's sterile? E and Duane are the most adorable little twosome since Jamie and Chance on Homeward Bound...mmm batdog!

Heather said...

Can you boil it or run it through the dishwasher? I'd probably try that.

Michelle Tolboe said...

Could be could have been put in the toilet, wiped on Duane's butt, rubbed on the floor...I'd take soot any day over those. :)

BTW when are you coming and are you driving and if you are could you bring me some oranges?????

Ashley said...

The thing is, Michelle, I don't necessarily know that those other tragedies didn't actually occur. He brought it to me with soot on it, so I know it was in the fire. But where else? Well, oh well. I used it anyway.

And yes, we are driving up on Sunday. And I am on my way outside right now to pick some oranges.