I know. Look at us. We rock. Fortunately for us, none of the friends we invited to go to the Wild Animal Park on Saturday consented to tag along. Otherwise, we would have had to decline an incredibly appealing invitation from our neighbor Wayne, not to be confused with my dog Duane-actually, they are frequently confused with one another as I am all too often yelling at my dog, Duane, for running into Wayne's, the neighbor, garage to chase his cat named Ninja. So Wayne always thinks that his crazy lady neighbor is yelling at him for no apparent reason. I can't believe he still invited us to go dirt biking.
Actually, I can because we are always out admiring his new toys, telling him that he is Mr. Fox racing himself and making him feel all cool and what not. One of the greatest parts of the invitation is that after choosing all of the equipment we would need and chatting it up with him in his garage for ten minutes prior to our departure, he asked our names. We have lived here for 9 months, talked to him weekly, declined several times to go biking because he always invites us the morning of to go like four hours away, and hello, we have a kid. But we are the type of neighbors that talk all the time so it's just too late to ask names because we are already great acquaintances. But he just did it. I love people who don't feel dumb doing things that might make them look dumb.
My dad has indoctrinated me for years about the inferiority of four wheelers when compared to motorcycles. And while I still may have felt more comfortable on a two wheeler, zipping up and down this gorgeous mountain, I had such a blast! I really just went thinking we would get some much needed time outside, not expecting to rid myself of my little hip-hugger or get any real riding time. But Wayne's girlfriend, Karen, totally stripped me of parental responsibilities and let me ride all day on my new found love, this sporty little ATV, with the boys.
And here is a picture of Cade and Eli playing that same night WITHOUT uncle Cam who refuses to come visit us every time he comes to California. Look what you missed out on Cam: pushing Tonka trucks
Yeah that's my kid! Notice his slave I mean friend being ordered around I mean lovingly pushing Cade around. Now THAT is cool. :)
E is getting so big! I still can't believe how fast the time has gone by. ::tear:: stop growing up kids!
If I were your neighbor I would have gone all day pretending I knew your name and called you "neighbor" all day. Or maybe "pal"
You have some of the greatest neighbors. My favorite is still the lady who wanted to talk to us forever while we were on our way to go rollerblading...I think she was still carrying on a conversation with you when we rolled away. haha
i can't think of anything else to say except, "you're a total bad-ass." wait, is that appropriate?
How fun! And yes.. you are cool.
I thought we taught you better than that! Don't you know four wheels kill! I am going to have to hide this picture from your dad.
Wow those are some awesome pictures! I forgive you for the long duration of time that passed with no new pictures...and for riding a four wheeler. EW.
I'd rather ride a quad, but that's because motorcycles scare me for lots of reasons. It looks fun though. I wouldn't have missed homemade ice cream for anything!
It wasn't that I refused. It also wasn't because I didn't want to. But I presume if you are smart enough to A. realize my situation B. notice that quads, if rode correctly are more fun and C. look at your nearest station's gas prices and been a little more forgiving, but then again those might only be logical for me. Sorry
You know it! You can totally hang Ash!
Youre freaking rockstars you are!
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