Because I got the best Mother's Day present ever: They are back!
Adam asked me on Saturday what I wanted for Mother's Day. Aside from the fact that it was a little late to be asking...I had no response because I did not think it was fair to ask for the impossible. What I really wanted was to have my lost wedding rings back. He read my mind anyway though and we went back through the events of the day I lost them. He asked if I did anything before I changed-sat on the couch or went anywhere. I said I might have sat down on the couch to nurse the baby but I already looked in, around and underneath the couch several times. He asked if I looked in the little velcro pocket behind the couch. I said I did not know what he was talking about...
So on Sunday morning, I was sitting on the couch watching Meet the Press and nursing the baby. Adam started looking in these alleged "pockets" and found some coins for Eli to put in his pig. I heard some things drop out but didn't think anything of it because I knew they had already found change and cheerios and I did not want to get my hopes up that it might be a diamond ring. Then Adam got out his pliers and a flashlight for what I thought was another futile search. A few minutes later he held up all three rings. I was floored. I covered my mouth as tears started streaming down my face. Does my husband have perfect timing or what? He remarked that he has only been able to get that kind of reaction out of me two times: Both the times he has given me the same ring.
So anyway, his ACTUAL present-another replacement ring he made in the lab- was a little bit overshadowed by the discovery of the lost rings, but I still love this one too. And I don't know where he found time to make it but here it is:
My husband completely rocks. I think I left a comment on my sister in law's blog on Saturday remarking that the Burr boys are excellent problem solvers and that I could not think of a problem that Adam could not solve. How true it is. Give him enough time, and he can do just about anything.
And Eli, bless his little heart, made this cute little flower pot for me at Home Depot.
and he and Adam head to Home Depot for a project. Last Saturday he made this for Mother's Day with his cute little friend Hailey.
So happy Mother's day to every mother I love. I think I had the happiest one though.