Monday, November 23, 2009


Can you believe Eli wore this little "up to 7 lbs" outfit? Abeit, not very long...he weighed about 20 lbs by the time he was six months. But hey, that's fine with me: Come out tiny and get huge quickly. Oh man, I sure hope I get another six pound baby!

Today I am pulling out all of Eli's baby clothes; that boy was well dressed from day one! I am so excited that I get to use all of this darling stuff again. Unfortunately, I am not a laundry wizard like my mom or mother in law yet, and most of the stuff has yellow stains. They aren't bad...but for a newborn baby you just want everything perfectly fresh and perfect you know? I am going through and spot treating all of it and then I am going to wash it in Dreft and Oxyclean. If this doesn't work, does anyone else have any stellar suggestions?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Are you and/or your child(ren) getting the HINI vaccine? If not, why not? I was flabbergasted when I read yesterday that of the thirty something percent of people who said "no" to this question, that 76% thought that it was unsafe...and that reason was only one of like eight different possible responses.

We don't even have access to it yet-except at the public health office, which I have pretty much ruled out since I think there is a greater chance of contracting the swine flu just by going down there than by not. But there has been SUCH an uproar at Adam's school over having the shot mandated; I say it's just an inconvenient part of being a health care professional and people who chose that profession should buck up and take one for the team...I really don't see what the big deal is.

But are any of you who have the option really worried about it?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Somewhat lacking in manners

Does this look like the face of a perfectly polite boy? That is a rhetorical question.

I love this age. Eli is just old enough to have a pretty decent command of vocabulary and ABSOLUTELY zero concept of propriety: A few minutes ago, he walked into the kitchen stark naked-- keeping him in underwear, to say nothing of fully dressed, is my new full time job. He came right up to me, turned around, bent over so as to stick his bare bottom directly at me and commanded "Scratch it my bum mom?"

Burr boys aren't universally known for their manners so I suppose there is a decent argument that he comes by some of that genetically; but I'm also sure that there is a very distinct age where kids just figure out how to talk and are still completely unbound by social decorum. Either way, it's freaking funny.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Boys rock

So we are ecstatic to be having another one! Boys have always made my life more interesting and exciting; I have always enjoyed being the only girl and I am glad that that situation is destined to continue.

The one problem? Adam and I exhausted every possible name in the UNIVERSE last time and already used the one name on which we could both agree. Help! Here are Adam's rules...(seriously, I used to think I was an opinionated person; now I think I am pretty laid back.)

1.NO verbs (so like Chase, which I love, is out)
2.No name combinations or made up names
3.No names that rhyme with anything stupid that other kids will make fun of
4.Can't end in R (our last name is Burr)
5.No names that start with D (initials would be DB)
6.No names of anyone that Adam has EVER in his life known, met, saw, talked to, heard of or imagined that wasn't cool...I double dog dare you to try and get around this last rule.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I tried

Halloween was a little bit tricky this year. My helpmate (and photographer) was in, of all places, St. Louis-and he didn't even get to see Nelly!!!

So these are the most decent pictures I could muster. You can't even see his cute mini football, or that his authentic number 10 jersey says MANNING on the back. I tried really Friday night, after our ward trunk or treat, a library costume party and an attempted 30 minute photo shoot, I was more than a little bit Halloweened out. But I managed to pull it together and take him trick or treating and to one more trunk or treat party-mostly because they had a bounce house, which I foolishly presumed would mitigate the effects of the time change; it didn't work. He woke up at 4:30 am this morning.

Cheers to no more ASDA conferences over Halloween- a holiday where two parents are an absolute must.